April 19, 1999
Cruise Report MF99-04
Miller Freeman

10-19 April 1999

Operating Area:

Eastern Bering Sea shelf
Participating Organizations:
NOAA - Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC)
NOAA - Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL)
Chief Scientist: Deborah M. BloodAFSC
Participating Scientists:
Christine Baier AFSC
Lisa Britt AFSC
Rachael Cartwright AFSC
Jay Clark AFSC
William Rugen AFSC
Cruise Objectives:
The purpose of this cruise was to conduct a survey to locate the area(s) of pollock spawning and high pollock egg concentrations over the southeast shelf of the Bering Sea. Within areas of high egg concentrations, depth-stratified samples were taken to investigate vertical distribution and specific gravity of pollock eggs. In the Bering Sea, pollock eggs occur throughout the water column, but mostly in the upper 40 m. This is different from the pollock eggs in Shelikof Strait, Alaska, that are generally found at about 200 m. Samples collected during the cruise will be compared to similar previous research on Shelikof Strait pollock eggs in order to find out why the eggs are found at such different depths. In addition, a drifter was deployed in a area of high pollock egg concentration to track the path over which many of the eggs would be carried.

In areas where spawning pollock were found, adults were collected by trawling, and live eggs were stripped, fertilized, and transported back to Seattle, WA and Newport, OR. Larvae reared from these eggs will be used for research on the swimming activity, feeding and respiration, and behavior of pollock larvae, and for research on the genetics of the pollock population on the eastern Bering Sea shelf.

Biological and physical oceanographic samples were collected at 4 stations at and around Mooring 2 and Mooring F99-BS-2A in order to continue long-term monitoring.

Onboard egg production experiments for the copepod Calanus marshallae were conducted to determine reproductive rates over the shelf at different temperatures. Calanus marshallae are an important prey item for larval and juvenile pollock.

This cruise was conducted for FOCI (Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations), a research effort by NOAA scientists to understand the physical and biological processes that determine recruitment variability of commercially valuable finfish and shellfish stocks in Alaskan waters. At present, FOCI consists of a Shelikof Strait walleye pollock project (western Gulf of Alaska), and a NOAA Coastal Ocean Program (COP) project: Southeast Bering Sea Carrying Capacity. The COP project is a collaborative effort by NOAA and academic scientists to understand the affects of abiotic and biotic variability on the SE Bering Sea ecosystem.

Summary of Operations (see Table 1)
Physical oceanographic measurements were made on conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) casts. Water samples were collected with bottles attached to the CTD profiler rosette. Zooplankton, larval fish, and fish eggs were collected using bongo, ring net, CalVET, Tucker, and MOCNESS (Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sampling System) gear. An Aleutian wing trawl was used to collect adult pollock.

Water samples were collected from 4 stations at and around Moorings 2 and F99-BS-2A. Nutrient (27) and filtered chlorophyll (30) samples from these collections were frozen for later analysis. Fluorescence, ChlAM (chlorophyll light absorbance meter), and PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) data were recorded during all CTD casts (6).

Ichthyo- and zooplankton samples were collected from tows using 60 cm bongo nets (42) and 20 cm bongo nets (22). These samples were preserved for later analysis. Live fish eggs were collected from the plankton using the Tucker trawl.(6). All of these tows were made using the Seacat CTD. Additional tows were made with the CalVET (California Vertical Egg Tow) for preserved micro-zooplankton samples (3), and a ring net to collect live copepods (10). The MOCNESS was used to collect depth-stratified ichthyoplankton samples (6), specifically pollock eggs.

An Aleutian wing trawl (1) was used to collect adult pollock. Eggs and sperm from ripe adults were stripped and the fertilized eggs were incubated onboard for the last 18 hours of the cruise prior to being transported to Seattle, WA and Newport, OR.

Two satellite-tracked buoys were deployed during this cruise.

Summary of Cruise
Scientific personnel boarded the ship in Kodiak. After a 50-hr steam to the Bering Sea, a satellite tracked buoy was deployed at station 1 (Fig.1) over the 100m isobath. The bongo survey began at station 2. After station 11, the ship left the grid in order to conduct sampling around Moorings 2 and F99-BS-2A. Although the CTD bottle firing mechanism malfunctioned on the first mooring station, the problem was corrected and water collections were successful for the other three stations. The bongo survey recommenced at station16 and continued through station 36. Two ring tows for copepods were made during this first part of the cruise.

At this point further sampling on the grid was halted because very few pollock eggs were seen in the samples. We decided to return to station 7 where a high concentration of eggs had been observed. After a 7-hr steam, we reached station 37 and conducted the MOCNESS and Tucker tows there and at station 38. In addition, a satellite-tracked buoy was deployed at station 37 to follow the movement of the eggs.

After completing these tows, we decided to add an additional three stations because we were ahead of schedule. In addition, we chose to re-occupy stations 8 and 11-14 to repeat the bongo tows; during the initial occupations of those stations, the 333-micron codend on one side of the 60 cm net was mislabeled and was really 505 microns. When we re-occupied station 12, we repeated the CTD cast and collected the water samples that we had not collected earlier because of a malfunction.

Still ahead of schedule, we steamed south to re-occupy station 39. Earlier, we had found a high concentration of pollock eggs at this location and wanted to collect samples with the MOCNESS and live eggs from the plankton.

After this operation, the ship steamed around the area where a strong acoustical signal for pollock had been noted. After locating a promising area, the midwater trawl was deployed (station 47) and a large number of pollock was brought on board. Ripe adults were stripped and about 50,000 fertilized eggs were incubated onboard for the last 18 hours of the cruise. The ship returned to Dutch Harbor on the morning of April 19.

Specifics of Operations
See Table 2, the Discrete Sample Data Base (DSDB) MF99-04 Cruise Summary
The scientific party thank the officers and crew of the NOAA ship Miller Freeman for their efforts in making this a very successful cruise. Their experience and efficiency were responsible for keeping operations on or ahead of schedule. Special thanks go to Commanding Officer Gary Petrae, Lieutenant Michael Hopkins (Field Operations Officer), and Chief Survey Technician William Floering, and Electronics Technician Scott Furnish.
Tables and Figure

Table 1. Gear and sample summary for MF99-04.
Gears     Samples     
  Number     casts/hauls # collected
Bongos, 20 cm (20Bon) 22   Adult pollock eggs spawned (Strip) 1  
Bongos, 60 cm (60Bon) 42   Adult pollock genetics (A-Genet) 1 102
CalVET tows (CalVET) 3   Chlorophylls (Chlor) 5 30
ChlAM casts (ChlAM) 6   Live organisms for at sea experiments (Live) 16  
CTD casts (CTD or CTDB) 6   Microzooplankton (MZ) 3 3
Fluorescence traces (Fluor) 6   Nutrients (Nut) 5 27
Live tow (zooplankton) (Ring.8) 10        
MOCNESS (1 m2) tows (MOC1) 6        
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) 6        
Satellite tracked drifter deployments (SatBuoy) 2        
Seacat CTD casts (CAT) 49        
Tucker trawl, 1 m2 (TUCK1) 6        

Table 2. MF99-04 cruise summary.
Station Haul FOCI Grid No. Alternate Station No. Depth (m) Latitude N Longitude W Gear Samples Collected Haul Comments
14-Apr 1:26 1 1     100 54° 39.97' 165° 16.51' SatBuoy Deploy id# 20395
14-Apr 4:19 2 1 BA7   129 54° 55.21' 165° 25.88' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
14-Apr 4:19 2 1 BA7   129 54° 55.21' 165° 25.88' CAT CAT  
14-Apr 5:57 3 1 AX7   113 55° 02.77' 165° 05.53' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
14-Apr 5:57 3 1 AX7   113 55° 02.77' 165° 05.53' CAT CAT  
14-Apr 7:33 4 1 AU7   103 55° 09.92' 164° 42.65' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
14-Apr 7:33 4 1 AU7   103 55° 09.92' 164° 42.65' CAT CAT  
14-Apr 9:07 5 1 AR7   98 55° 17.28' 164° 19.38' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE SEACAT salinity sensor frozen
14-Apr 9:07 5 1 AR7   98 55° 17.28' 164° 19.38' CAT CAT SEACAT salinity sensor frozen
14-Apr 10:44 6 1 AO7   92 55° 24.66' 163° 56.57' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
14-Apr 10:44 6 1 AO7   92 55° 24.66' 163° 56.57' CAT CAT  
14-Apr 12:13 7 1 AL7   75 55° 31.49' 163° 32.93' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
14-Apr 12:13 7 1 AL7   75 55° 31.49' 163° 32.93' CAT CAT  
14-Apr 13:42 8 1 AL10   97 55° 44.65' 163° 45.53' 20Bon QTowF  
14-Apr 13:42 8 1 AL10   97 55° 44.65' 163° 45.53' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE codend labeled 333 was actually 505; caught on sta 14
14-Apr 13:42 8 1 AL10   97 55° 44.65' 163° 45.53' CAT CAT  
14-Apr 14:10 8 2 AL10   97 55° 44.91' 163° 45.66' Ring.8 Live copepod egg production experiment
14-Apr 14:24 8 3 AL10   98 55° 44.55' 163° 45.61' Ring.8 Live copepod egg production experiment
14-Apr 15:58 9 1 AL13   95 55° 57.74' 163° 58.39' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
14-Apr 15:58 9 1 AL13   95 55° 57.74' 163° 58.39' CAT CAT  
14-Apr 17:28 10 1 AL16   92 56° 10.85' 164° 11.23' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
14-Apr 17:28 10 1 AL16   92 56° 10.85' 164° 11.23' CAT CAT  
14-Apr 19:28 11 1 AI19   83 56° 31.28' 164° 00.99' 20Bon QTowF Time estimated from wire out. 
14-Apr 19:28 11 1 AI19   83 56° 31.28' 164° 00.99' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE Time estimated from wire out. Codend labeled 333 was actually 505; caught on sta 14
14-Apr 19:28 11 1 AI19   83 56° 31.28' 164° 00.99' CAT CAT  
14-Apr 20:50 12 1     75 56° 44.10' 163° 53.11' 20Bon QTowF 10nm SE of old mooring 2.
14-Apr 20:50 12 1     75 56° 44.10' 163° 53.11' 60Bon QTowF 10nm SE of old mooring 2. Codend labeled 333 was actually 505; caught on sta 14
14-Apr 20:50 12 1     75 56° 44.10' 163° 53.11' CAT CAT 10nm SE of old mooring 2.
14-Apr 22:01 12 2   CTD001 75 56° 43.70' 163° 53.64' CTD CHLAM,CTD,
10nm SE of old mooring- meant to collect bottle samples but rosette/deck unit failed on 2 tries
14-Apr 23:07 13 1     73 56° 52.58' 164° 03.42' 20Bon QTowF old mooring 2. Flowmeters freezing
14-Apr 23:07 13 1     73 56° 52.58' 164° 03.42' 60Bon QTowF old mooring 2. Codend labeled 333 was actually 505; caught on station 14. Flowmeters freezing
14-Apr 23:07 13 1     73 56° 52.58' 164° 03.42' CAT CAT old mooring 2.
14-Apr 23:24 13 2     73 56° 52.66' 164° 03.90' CalVet MZ old mooring 2 -low revs?
14-Apr 23:32 13 3     73 56° 52.70' 164° 03.98' CalVet MZ old mooring 2 -low revs?
14-Apr 23:39 13 4     73 56° 52.73' 164° 04.12' CalVet MZ old mooring 2 -low revs?
15-Apr 2:27 13 5   CTD002 74 56° 56.52' 164° 03.23' CTDB CHLAM,Chlor,
old mooring 2
15-Apr 3:36 14 1     71 57° 01.00' 164° 12.90' 20Bon QTowF 10nm N of F99-BS-2A
15-Apr 3:36 14 1     71 57° 01.00' 164° 12.90' 60Bon QTowF 10nm N of F99-BS-2A - low flow meter revs on 60bon net 1. Codend labeled 333 was actually 505; changed out for next tow
15-Apr 3:36 14 1     71 57° 01.00' 164° 12.90' CAT CAT 10nm N of F99-BS-2A - low flow meter revs on 60bon net 1. Codend labeled 333 was actually 505; changed out for next tow
15-Apr 3:58 14 2   CTD003 71 57° 01.25' 164° 12.56' CTDB CHLAM,Chlor,
10nm N of F99-BS-2A
15-Apr 5:41 15 1   CTD004 76 56° 46.78' 164° 14.59' CTDB CHLAM,Chlor,
15-Apr 6:14 15 2   CTD005 76 56° 46.70' 164° 14.64' CTDB CHLAM,Chlor,
15-Apr 8:29 16 1 AL19   86 56° 24.25' 164° 24.22' 20Bon QTowF  
15-Apr 8:29 16 1 AL19   86 56° 24.25' 164° 24.22' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE low flow revs on 60bon net 1. Flowmeter changed out for next tow
15-Apr 8:29 16 1 AL19   86 56° 24.25' 164° 24.22' CAT CAT  
15-Apr 8:55 16 2 AL19   85 56° 24.09' 164° 23.81' Ring.8 Live copepod egg production experiment
15-Apr 9:08 16 3 AL19   85 56° 24.41' 164° 23.75' Ring.8 Live copepod egg production experiment
15-Apr 10:40 17 1 AO19   92 56° 17.53' 164° 47.17' 20Bon QTowF  
15-Apr 10:40 17 1 AO19   92 56° 17.53' 164° 47.17' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
15-Apr 10:40 17 1 AO19   92 56° 17.53' 164° 47.17' CAT CAT  
15-Apr 12:26 18 1 AO16   95 56° 03.81' 164° 34.35' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
15-Apr 12:26 18 1 AO16   95 56° 03.81' 164° 34.35' CAT CAT  
15-Apr 14:02 19 1 AO13   97 55° 50.83' 164° 21.55' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
15-Apr 14:02 19 1 AO13   97 55° 50.83' 164° 21.55' CAT CAT  
15-Apr 15:51 20 1 A010   98 55° 37.41' 164° 09.60' 20Bon QTowF  
15-Apr 15:51 20 1 A010   98 55° 37.41' 164° 09.60' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
15-Apr 15:51 20 1 A010   98 55° 37.41' 164° 09.60' CAT CAT  
15-Apr 17:25 21 1 AR10   104 55° 30.43' 164° 31.93' 20Bon QTowF  
15-Apr 17:25 21 1 AR10   104 55° 30.43' 164° 31.93' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
15-Apr 17:25 21 1 AR10   104 55° 30.43' 164° 31.93' CAT CAT  
15-Apr 19:28 22 1 AR13   98 55° 43.58' 164° 44.85' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
15-Apr 19:28 22 1 AR13   98 55° 43.58' 164° 44.85' CAT CAT  
15-Apr 21:07 23 1 AR16   98 55° 56.87' 164° 58.00' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
15-Apr 21:07 23 1 AR16   98 55° 56.87' 164° 58.00' CAT CAT  
15-Apr 22:41 24 1 AR19   95 56° 09.70' 165° 10.03' 20Bon QTowF  
15-Apr 22:41 24 1 AR19   95 56° 09.70' 165° 10.03' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
15-Apr 22:41 24 1 AR19   95 56° 09.70' 165° 10.03' CAT CAT  
16-Apr 0:20 25 1 AU19   100 56° 02.72' 165° 33.22' 20Bon QTowF  
16-Apr 0:20 25 1 AU19   100 56° 02.72' 165° 33.22' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
16-Apr 0:20 25 1 AU19   100 56° 02.72' 165° 33.22' CAT CAT  
16-Apr 2:03 26 1 AU16   107 55° 49.60' 165° 20.44' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
16-Apr 2:03 26 1 AU16   107 55° 49.60' 165° 20.44' CAT CAT  
16-Apr 3:44 27 1 AU13   113 55° 36.45' 165° 07.74' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
16-Apr 3:44 27 1 AU13   113 55° 36.45' 165° 07.74' CAT CAT  
16-Apr 5:16 28 1 AU10   110 55° 23.19' 164° 55.24' 20Bon QTowF  
16-Apr 5:16 28 1 AU10   110 55° 23.19' 164° 55.24' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
16-Apr 5:16 28 1 AU10   110 55° 23.19' 164° 55.24' CAT CAT  
16-Apr 6:54 29 1 AX10   117 55° 15.93' 165° 18.17' 20Bon QTowF  
16-Apr 6:54 29 1 AX10   117 55° 15.93' 165° 18.17' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
16-Apr 6:54 29 1 AX10   117 55° 15.93' 165° 18.17' CAT CAT  
16-Apr 8:28 30 1 AX13   118 55° 29.03' 165° 31.31' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
16-Apr 8:28 30 1 AX13   118 55° 29.03' 165° 31.31' CAT CAT  
16-Apr 9:59 31 1 AX16   119 55° 42.19' 165° 44.06' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
16-Apr 9:59 31 1 AX16   119 55° 42.19' 165° 44.06' CAT CAT  
16-Apr 11:30 32 1 AX19   120 55° 55.53' 165° 56.17' 20Bon QTowF  
16-Apr 11:30 32 1 AX19   120 55° 55.53' 165° 56.17' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
16-Apr 11:30 32 1 AX19   120 55° 55.53' 165° 56.17' CAT CAT  
16-Apr 13:07 33 1 BA19   130 55° 48.43' 166° 19.02' 20Bon QTowF  
16-Apr 13:07 33 1 BA19   130 55° 48.43' 166° 19.02' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
16-Apr 13:07 33 1 BA19   130 55° 48.43' 166° 19.02' CAT CAT  
16-Apr 13:36 33 2 BA19   131 55° 48.13' 166° 18.80' Ring.8 Live copepod egg production experiment
16-Apr 14:03 33 3 BA19   131 55° 48.65' 166° 19.04' Ring.8 Live copepod egg production experiment
16-Apr 15:56 34 1 BA16   126 55° 35.24' 166° 06.35' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
16-Apr 15:56 34 1 BA16   126 55° 35.24' 166° 06.35' CAT CAT  
16-Apr 17:29 35 1 BA13   124 55° 21.95' 165° 53.07' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
16-Apr 17:29 35 1 BA13   124 55° 21.95' 165° 53.07' CAT CAT  
16-Apr 19:00 36 1 BA10   125 55° 08.83' 165° 41.24' 20Bon QTowF 20bon hung outside during transist and must of spun. Initial revs must have been wrong
16-Apr 19:00 36 1 BA10   125 55° 08.83' 165° 41.24' 60Bon QTowF,RCountE  
16-Apr 19:00 36 1 BA10   125 55° 08.83' 165° 41.24' CAT CAT  
16-Apr 19:29 36 3 BA10   126 55° 08.83' 165° 41.21' Ring.8 Live copepod egg production experiment
16-Apr 19:45 36 2 BA10   125 55° 08.69' 165° 41.29' Ring.8 Live copepod egg production experiment
17-Apr 2:41 37 1 AL7   75 55° 31.63' 163° 32.96' 60Bon Discard checking for pollock eggs
17-Apr 2:41 37 1 AL7   75 55° 31.63' 163° 32.96' CAT CAT checking for pollock eggs
17-Apr 3:53 37 2 AL7 MOC001 75 55° 31.67' 163° 32.48' MOC1 QTowF Depths corrected for offset (7m)
17-Apr 4:49 37 3 AL7 MOC002 75 55° 31.69' 163° 32.37' MOC1 QTowF Depths corrected for offset (7m)
17-Apr 5:34 37 4 AL7   75 55° 31.63' 163° 32.54' CAT CAT  
17-Apr 5:34 37 4 AL7   75 55° 31.63' 163° 32.54' Tuck1 Live no flowmeter; for collection of live pollock eggs at bottom 20m- codends taped
17-Apr 6:41 37 5 AL7   75 55° 31.57' 163° 32.38' CAT CAT  
17-Apr 6:41 37 5 AL7   75 55° 31.57' 163° 32.38' Tuck1 Live no flowmeter - for collection of live pollock eggs in top 19m - codends taped
17-Apr 6:54 37 6 AL7   75 55° 31.47' 163° 32.96' SatBuoy Deploy id #20397
17-Apr 9:07 38 1 AL10 MOC003 96 55° 43.73' 163° 45.16' MOC1 QTowF Depths not corrected for offset (7m)
17-Apr 10:13 38 2 AL10   96 55° 44.69' 163° 45.52' MOC1 QTowF Depths not corrected for offset (7m)
17-Apr 11:50 38 3 AL10   96 55° 44.73' 163° 45.42' CAT CAT  
17-Apr 11:50 38 3 AL10   96 55° 44.73' 163° 45.42' Tuck1 Live No flowmeter - for collection of live pollock eggs from bottom 20 m - codends taped
17-Apr 12:55 38 4 AL10   96 55° 44.74' 163° 45.30' CAT CAT  
17-Apr 12:55 38 4 AL10   96 55° 44.74' 163° 45.30' Tuck1 Live No flow meter - collection of live pollock eggs from top 20 m - codends taped
17-Apr 13:44 38 5 AL10   96 55° 44.68' 163° 45.44' 20Bon QTowF  
17-Apr 13:44 38 5 AL10   96 55° 44.68' 163° 45.44' 60Bon QTowF  
17-Apr 13:44 38 5 AL10   96 55° 44.68' 163° 45.44' CAT CAT  
17-Apr 15:17 39 1 AI10   93 55° 51.81' 163° 22.47' 20Bon QTowF  
17-Apr 15:17 39 1 AI10   93 55° 51.81' 163° 22.47' 60Bon QTowF  
17-Apr 15:17 39 1 AI10   93 55° 51.81' 163° 22.47' CAT CAT  
17-Apr 16:47 40 1 AI13   94 56° 05.19' 163° 35.13' 60Bon QTowF  
17-Apr 16:47 40 1 AI13   94 56° 05.19' 163° 35.13' CAT CAT  
17-Apr 18:13 41 1 AI16   89 56° 18.23' 163° 48.10' 60Bon QTowF low revs due to jellyfish tentacles in the flowmeter rotor.
17-Apr 18:13 41 1 AI16   89 56° 18.23' 163° 48.10' CAT CAT  
17-Apr 19:41 42 1 AI19   82 56° 31.46' 164° 00.96' 20Bon QTowF  
17-Apr 19:41 42 1 AI19   82 56° 31.46' 164° 00.96' 60Bon QTowF  
17-Apr 19:41 42 1 AI19   82 56° 31.46' 164° 00.96' CAT CAT  
17-Apr 20:58 43 1     76 56° 43.65' 163° 52.44' 20Bon QTowF 10nm SE of old mooring 2
17-Apr 20:58 43 1     76 56° 43.65' 163° 52.44' 60Bon QTowF 10nm SE of old mooring 2
17-Apr 20:58 43 1     76 56° 43.65' 163° 52.44' CAT CAT 10nm SE of old mooring 2
17-Apr 21:53 43 2   CTD006 76 56° 43.76' 163° 52.94' CTDB CHLAM,Chlor,
10nm SE of old mooring 2
17-Apr 23:02 44 1     73 56° 52.46' 164° 03.24' 20Bon QTowF old mooring 2
17-Apr 23:02 44 1     73 56° 52.46' 164° 03.24' 60Bon QTowF old mooring 2
17-Apr 23:02 44 1     73 56° 52.46' 164° 03.24' CAT CAT old mooring 2
17-Apr 23:17 44 2     73 56° 52.43' 164° 03.19' Ring.8 Live old mooring 2; copepod egg production experiment; diatom bloom
17-Apr 23:29 44 3     73 56° 52.47' 164° 03.43' Ring.8 Live old mooring 2; copepod egg production experiment
18-Apr 0:34 45 1     70 57° 01.05' 164° 12.84' 20Bon QTowF 10nm N of mooring F99-BS-2A
18-Apr 0:34 45 1     70 57° 01.05' 164° 12.84' 60Bon QTowF 10nm N of mooring F99-BS-2A
18-Apr 0:34 45 1     70 57° 01.05' 164° 12.84' CAT CAT 10nm N of mooring F99-BS-2A
18-Apr 7:02 46 1 AI10   94 55° 52.02' 163° 22.42' CAT CAT  
18-Apr 7:02 46 1 AI10   94 55° 52.02' 163° 22.42' Tuck1 Live no flowmeter. collection of live eggs from top 20m.
18-Apr 7:39 46 2 AI10 MOC005 93 55° 51.63' 163° 22.05' MOC1 QTowF Depths corrected for offset (7m)
18-Apr 8:28 46 3 AI10 MOC006 94 55° 52.52' 163° 23.11' MOC1 QTowF Depths corrected for offset (7m)
18-Apr 9:13 46 4 AI10   94 55° 51.74' 163° 22.06' CAT CAT  
18-Apr 9:13 46 4 AI10   94 55° 51.74' 163° 22.06' Tuck1 Live no flowmeter reading. For collection of live eggs from bottom 20 m.
18-Apr 17:50 47 1     99 55° 26.93' 164° 06.98' Aleutian A-Genet,Strip to spawn pollock eggs

Figure1. MF99-04 station locations.