Revision Date: 3/23/98

Oregon State University
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Science

Date: 4 Feb 1998
Cruise No. W9805B
Title: Bering Sea Circulation


Principle Investigator(s)
Ronald K. Reed

: (Short, non-technical statement on how cruise relates to overall project)

One of our goals is to understand the environment of important fish stocks, including circulation of the water column. This cruise focuses on circulation of deep and bottom waters of the eastern and central region of the deep Bering Sea, mainly by use of physical/chemical tracers. Additional observations in Buldir Pass, near Bowers Ridge, in Amchitka Pass, and south of the Aleutians, will be taken.

: (Include station positions and route waypoints. ATTACH PAGE SIZE CRUISE TRACK for submission with final cruise reports):

Shown on an attached list of CTD stations

Will radioactive methods be used? Yes. If so, list radiation use authorization number: 46-23463-01.


See list of stations and map. Most stations will be a single cast to ~ 25 m off bottom. Water samples will be collected from 12 Niskin bottles for analysis of nutrients, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and helium-tritium, mainly below 1000 m. At a few stations, we will take two casts, to collect samples throughout the water column. In some locations, no nutrients or CFCS will be taken.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: (Should be included on Common-Use Equipment request form)

Ship's CTD, 12 10-liter Niskin bottles with spares, ship's echosounder. Shipboard 150 Khz ADCP. Sea surface temperature-salinity, air temperature, and wind speed and direction recording system.

SCIENTIFIC PERSONNEL TO BE ON BOARD (Provide full legal name & affiliation):

Scientist in Charge: Ronald K. Reed, NOAA/PMEL
Co-Chief Scientist(s):

Party Chief:

Technicians: David G. Kachel, David Wisegarver, Carol DeWitt, Ltjg Kurt Zegowitz (NOAA Corps), and Sheri Rees. (All are from NOAA/PMEL).
One nutrient analyst (Univ. Of Texas or Univ. of Alaska).



OSU Marine Technician assigned to cruise:

USER SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT (Include in Deck Layout Plan)

VANS: Number: 1 Size: 20 x 8 x 8 feet Estimated Weight: 8000 lbs.

Location (see attached plan) Upper deck

OTHER BULKY HEAVY ITEMS: Auto-analyzer (for analysis of nutrients)

Location: Inside laboratory
Estimated Weight: approx. 500 lbs.

ADDRESS: 7600 Sand Point Way N.E.
CITY & STATE: Seattle, WA
ZIP CODE: 98115

FORM 1192 (NOTE: This information is for non-ship related services).