Date: 17 April 1998

Oregon State University
College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences

Cruise No: W9805A

Title: SE Bering Sea Carrying Capacity (SEBSCC)

Contract: ____________

Cruise Dates: 6-22 May 1998


Principal Investigator(s):

Dr. Edward D. (Ned) Cokelet
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115-0070

Ph: (206) 526-6820
Fax: (206)526-6485

Dr. Susan Henrichs
Institute of Marine Science
University of Alaska
P.O. Box 757220
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7220

Ph: (907) 474-7807.
Fax: (907) 474-7204.

Dr. John Goering
Institute of Marine Science
University of Alaska Fairbanks
P.O. Box 757220
Fairbanks, Ak 99775-7220.

Ph: (907) 474 7895
Fax: (907) 474 5863

Dr. Terry E. Whitledge
Marine Science Institute
750 Channelview Drive
Port Aransas, Texas 78373-5015

Ph: (512) 749-6769
Fax: (512) 749-6777

Dr. Jeff Napp
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115-0070

Ph: (206) 526-4148
Fax: (206) 526-6723


PURPOSE: (Short, non-technical statement on how cruise relates to overall project)

To investigate physical, chemical and biological processes on the eastern Bering Sea continental slope and shelf. Objectives are

1.Measure the currents (via ADCP) and water properties (via CTD) on a few transects across the Bering Slope Current and continental shelf and deduce the geostrophic circulation. (EDC)

2.Assess nutrient inputs and utilization by physical and biological processes in middle shelf, shelf break, and offshore SEBSCC study areas. An emphasis will be placed on nutrient samples (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate and silicate) from hydrographic and productivity casts in transects and time series measurements at mooring sites. Additional nutrient samples will also be analyzed for experimental samples collected by other investigators. (TW)

3.Measure rates of total, "new" and regenerated phytoplankton production using 13-C and 15-N tracer techniques and "diagram analysis" of nitrate depletion to determine the proportion of total surface water column production that is "new" and available for export from the euphotic zone via settling to deeper waters and/or incorporation by growth into primary, secondary and tertiary consumers. (JG)

4.Measure nutrient, chlorophyll, and zooplankton concentrations for use as biophysical indices of the status and health of the southeastern Bering Sea ecosystem. The variables will be measured at the SEBSCC monitoring sites: shelf break, Outer Shelf Domain, Southeast Middle Shelf Domain, Northwest Middle Shelf Domain and Pribilof Islands. (JN)

5.Measure the composition of lipid and carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in zooplankton, suspended particulate matter and surface sediment samples to indicate the source of sinking organic matter (being collected via automated sediment traps deployed earlier). This will provide information about the pelagic food web. (SH)


ITINERARY:(Include station positions and route waypoints. ATTACH PAGE SIZE CRUISE TRACK for submission with final cruise reports.)

06 May 1998 - Depart Dutch Harbor, AK
22 May 1998 - Arrive Dutch Harbor, AK

Table 1 shows a detailed itinerary. Figure 1 shows the proposed station locations.

Will radioactive methods be used? If so, list radiation use authorization number.

No radioactive materials will be used.

Hazardous materials will be necessary for the automated nutrient analyzer and possibly for phytoplankton samples. MSDS will be provided.



EDC:The ADCP, P-code GPS receiver, ship's gyrocompass and Ashtech 3DF will operate during the entire cruise. Data will be recorded via RDI's DAS and user exit UE4 and stored on compatible storage media. We will supply appropriate DAS configuration files.

CTD casts will be conducted to the shallower of 1500 m or 10 m above the bottom using the Sea-Bird 911 plus equipped with rosette, 10-L Niskin bottles, fluorometer, PAR sensor and transmissometer. A PMEL Zip drive will be added to the ship's CTD acquisition computer. CTD data will be moved to a PMEL PC for Sea-Bird SeaSoft processing then onto a PMEL Unix workstation for further processing, conversion to EPIC netcdf files and section plotting via a networked PMEL PostScript printer.

TW:Nutrient samples will be collected from all CTD/rosette water sample casts unless otherwise specified. Depending on the total water depth, 6-12 water samples will be needed to give good vertical resolution in the upper water column (0-30 m), pycnocline (25-40 m) and sub-pycnocline (50-1000 m) in order to assess physical renewal processes and biological uptake and regeneration. Plant pigment (Chlorophyll and HPLC) samples can be obtained from the same sampling depths as nutrients plus at the chlorophyll maximum as determined by the profiling fluorometer. Running seawater is required in the ship's laboratory for calibrations and near-surface chlorophyll fluorescence.

JG:At 2 productivity stations each day - one in early morning and one near noon - the depths at 7 light levels in the euphotic zone will be determined from the profiling PAR sensor or a secchi disk. Samples obtained from 5-L or 10-L Niskin bottles in each zone will be placed in clean polycarbonate bottles and spiked with 13-C and 15-N. Triplicate samples at each depth will be used so that we can determine total, "new" and regenerated production by measuring uptake of labeled carbon dioxide, nitrate, ammonium and urea. Samples will be incubated in a deck incubator and cooled with flowing seawater, with in situ light levels simulated using neutral density perforated wire screens. Incubations will last about 4 hours, after which samples will be filtered on glass fiber filters, rinsed with filtered sea water, and frozen at -20 C for storage and transport back to the University of Alaska mass spectrometer laboratory.

JN: Table 2 shows the sampling depths. At all monitoring stations a CTD/rosette cast is used to collect nutrients and chlorophyll samples. At mooring 2 (M2) the regular chloropyll water column samples will be taken plus triplicate samples at the depths of the bio-optical sensors (A-3, AC-9 and WetStar, Table 2). The CTD cast is followed by a net tow using two bongo frames (20-cm frame with 150 micron mesh nets and a 60-cm frame with 333 micron mesh nets) suspended from the same wire and separated by approx. 1 m. A SeaCat is attached above the 20 cm frame and a lead weight lies below the 60 cm frame. Flow meters are placed in the mouths of each net frame. The tow cable must be at 45 degrees during both deployment and recovery. Maximum depth for the Bongo tows is 5 m off bottom. One side of both frames are to be immediately preserved in formalin for quantitative analysis. The second side is available for other projects (Henrichs, UAF). At the shelf moorings (2, 3, & 4), three replicate vertical tows will be taken with a CalVET net (0 - 60 m). Whenever there is a question regarding the sampling protocol, the FOCI Field Manual should be consulted.

SH:At each of the X's around sites M2, M3 and M4 (15 stations total):

In addition, as time permits we may do bongo tows, or subsample from Napp's bongos, along the transect that connects the shelf break (about 55 o 20' N 168 o 15' W), M3 and M2. At those stations we would also collect water samples for filtration. The specific station locations are not critical; we would choose from among transect stations of Whitledge/Goering (not more than 6 stations).
DH:At two stations in the Bering Sea basin dissolved organic carbon (DOC) will be collected from Niskin bottles at 12 depths, 6 above 1000 m and 6 between 1000 m and the bottom, for example at 0, 20, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000 and 3500 m. A 100 ml sample volume is needed including 3 rinses. Samples are to be frozen while standing upright. No chemicals needed. Whitledge is responsible for these samples. He will send them via Federal Express (account No. 170118804) to Dr. Dennis Hansell, Bermuda Biological Station, College of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, 17 Biological Lane, St. Georges GE01, BERMUDA. Ph: (441) 297-1880 ext. 210, Fax: (441) 297-8143, e-mail:


EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: (Should be included on Common-Use Equipment request form.)

Sea-Bird 911 plus CTD with dual temperature and conductivity sensors, rosette, fifteen 10-L Niskin bottles, fluorometer, PAR sensor and transmissometer.

CTD data acquisition PC and tape backup system.

Benthos 12 KHz pinger.

Winches, wire, slip rings and fittings for CTD, bongo and coring winches.

Crane for moving and deploying ~800 lb box corer.

150-kHz ADCP with P-code GPS navigation and Ashtech 3DF inputs to DAS UE4.

MET/SLOGGER/XMIDAS system acquiring, recording and displaying air temperature, barometric pressure, PAR, short wave solar radiation (Eppley PSP), relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and flow-through water temperature, salinity and fluorescence.

Computer network to connect our DOS PC, Unix workstation, Macintosh Power PC, and postscript printer.

Flow-through water temperature and salinity sensors.

Flow-through fluorometer.

Continuous salt-water source and hose in shadow-free area of fantail to cool phytoplankton deck incubator.

Freezer space - 15 cu. ft.

Refrigerator space - 10 cu. ft.

Lab bench space - 18 linear ft. with 10 ft. near sink.

Plain paper copier.

OSU storage van under overhang.

Storage space for about 100 cubic feet (~600 lbs) of spares and misc. equipment will be required in a dry area. This is equivalent to 2-3 pallets of scientific gear that must be transferred from the Miller Freeman on 29 April in Dutch Harbor, i.e. on the preceding cruise. (TW)

Approx 3 cubic feet of hazardous material storage will be required. (TW)


SCIENTIFIC PERSONNEL TO BE ON BOARD (Provide full legal name & affiliation):

Scientist in Charge:
Dr. Edward D. Cokelet NOAA/PMEL

Principal Investigators:
Dr. Susan Henrichs Inst. Marine Science, U. Alaska Fairbanks
Dr. John Goering Univ. Alaska Fairbanks
Dr. Terry E. Whitledge Univ. Texas Marine Science Institute

Mr. Eugene Burger NOAA/PMEL
Mr. Dave Kachel NOAA/PMEL
Ms. Lynn Tinnin Univ. Texas Marine Science Institute
Mr. Destry Wion NOAA/AFSC

Ms. Stacy Smith Univ. Alaska Fairbanks
Mr. Taekeun Rho Univ. Alaska Fairbanks

Observers: None

OSU Marine Technicians
assigned to cruise: To be named


USER SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT (Include in Deck Layout Plan):

Networked PC (1 or 2), Unix workstation and PostScript printer. (EDC)

Datasonics PSA-916D sonar altimeter (200 KHz, 6000 m pressure case) to measure CTD height off the bottom (100 m range). (EDC)

~250 lbs. (15 cu ft.) of miscellaneous laboratory equipment which will be air-freighted to Dutch Harbor and off-loaded at cruise end. (SH)

10 small boxes (about 25 cu. ft.) of laboratory equipment weighing ~300 lbs which will be air-freighted3 to Dutch Harbor and off-loaded at cruise end. (JG)

Secchi disk (JG)

Alpkem nutrient analyzer (TW)

Chlorophyll filtration rig (TW)

Nutrient data logging computer (TW)

Glassware and chemical supplies for nutrient analyses (TW)

20 cm bongo net frame with 150 micron mesh nets, hard and soft cod ends and spares (JN)

60 cm bongo net frame with 333 micron mesh nets, hard and soft cod ends and spares (JN)

Net flow meters (JN)

Weight for bongo nets (JN)

SeaCat for bongo net tows (JN)

CalVET net (JN)

Discrete Sample Data Forms and computer with database preloaded (JN)

Stop watch (JN)

Plankton sieves, squirt bottles (JN)

Sample jars and labels (JN)

Concentrated formalin and sodium borate solution (JN)

Syringe system for delivering preservatives (JN)

Nutrient bottles (JN)

Filters, tubes, freezer boxes and forms chlorophyll samples (JN)

Filtration manifold, vacuum trap and pumps (JN)


Item Number Size Weight Location
CFC van for cruise W9805B 1 20'x8'x8'
~12,000 lbs 01 Level, port side


Item Number Size Weight Location
Ocean Instruments mod. BX700 box corer 1 4'x4'x4'
~800 lbs. Prefer covered location because can corrode, but could go on deck


Name: Cindy Loitsch
Address: NOAA/PMEL
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115

Account Number: _______________
(NOTE: This information is for non-ship related services.)


DO YOU WANT CELLULAR/INMARSAT PHONE ACCESS? (Chief scientist will be responsible for all charges - dedicated science phone)
Yes, cellular, Inmarsat and twice-daily email.

FORM 1192