13 February 1998



Cruise No: MF98-05A
FOCI No: MF9802

Applicability: These instructions, with "FOCI Standard Operating Instructions for NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN, 1998" present complete information for this cruise.

Area: General geographic areas: Shelikof Strait and Bering Sea.


6 April 1998: depart Kodiak, Alaska
12 April 1998: arrive Dutch Harbor, Alaska

Participating organizations:

NOAA - Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC)
NOAA - Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL)


Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) is an effort by NOAA scientists to understand the physical and biological processes that determine recruitment variability of commercially valuable finfish and shellfish stocks in Alaskan waters. At present, FOCI consists of a Shelikof Strait walleye pollock project (western Gulf of Alaska), and a NOAA Coastal Ocean Program (COP) project: Southeast Bering Sea Carrying Capacity. The COP project is a collaborative efforts by NOAA and academic scientists to understand the affects of abiotic and biotic variability on the SE Bering Sea ecosystem.


Shelikof Strait:
1. Biological oceanographic observations at 8 stations on Line 8 (Napp).
2. Trawl for spawning pollock.
A. On-board incubation of eggs at low temperature (Blood).
B. Incubate eggs to bring to Seattle for rearing (Porter).
C. Obtain fin-clip samples (Canino).
D. Obtain genetic tissue samples (ADFG).
3. Live bongo tows for pollock eggs to bring back to Seattle (Bailey).
4. Tucker trawls tows for El Nino study at entrance to Shelikof Strait (Napp & Bailey).

Southeast Bering Sea Shelf:
5. Bongo tows and EK500 survey to locate area of pollock egg concentration over southeast shelf (Kendall).
6. Depth-stratified Tucker trawls to determine pollock eggs vertical distribution (Kendall).
7. Live Tucker trawls to obtain pollock eggs to return to Seattle for specific gravity measurements (Kendall).
8. Trawl for spawning pollock.
A. Obtain fin-clip samples (Canino).
B. On-board incubation of eggs at low temperature (Blood).
C. Incubate eggs to bring to Seattle for rearing (Porter) and specific gravity measurements(Kendall).
D. Obtain genetic tissue samples (ADFG).
9. Biological oceanographic observations at 7 stations in the Middle Shelf Domain (Napp).
10. Diel study of pollock spawning (Schabetsburger).
11. Bongo tows for pollock eggs near the Pribilof Canyon (Busby).


1.1. Chief Scientist:

 Name  Gender/Citizenship  Affiliation
 Arthur W. Kendall, Jr.  Male  AFSC

The Chief Scientist has the authority to revise or alter the technical portion of the instructions as work progresses provided that, after consultation with the Commanding Officer, it is ascertained that the proposed changes will not: (1) jeopardize the safety of personnel or the ship; (2) exceed the overall time allotted for the project; (3) result in undue additional expenses; (4) alter the general intent of these project instructions.


1.2 Participating Scientists:

  Name  Gender/Citizenship  Affiliation
 Debbie Blood  Female  AFSC
 Jay Clark  Male  AFSC
 Bill Rugen  Male  AFSC
 Robert Schabetsberger  Male  University of Salzburg, Austria


1.3 NOAA Pacific Marine Center Operations Contact:

Larry Mordock
1801 Fairview Ave. East
Seattle, WA 98102-3767
(206) 553-4764

1.4 Program Contacts:

Dr. Phyllis Stabeno, PMEL
(206) 526-6453

Dr. Art Kendall, AFSC
(206) 526-4108

7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115




A standard oceanographic watch will be utilized which consists of a winch operator, a scientific staff of three and a Survey Tech on deck. Operations will be conducted 24 hours a day.


Line 8 time-series observations: Biological oceanographic observations will be taken at 8 stations along FOCI Line 8 in Shelikof Strait.

El Nino stations:

Live Tucker trawl tows for pollock eggs: One or more Tucker trawl tows, with one net fishing near bottom (180-200 m), and the other from that depth to the surface will be conducted in Shelikof Strait and over the shelf in the Bering Sea to obtain live pollock eggs to bring back to Seattle for experimental work at AFSC. Taped codends will be used to minimize trauma to the eggs during collection. At the conclusion of the tows, the nets will be gently washed and live eggs will be sorted from them immediately. Those from the at-depth net will be placed in rearing refrigerators. At the end of the cruise these live eggs will be packed in insulated bottles for air transport to Seattle. Some eggs from the depth-to-surface net will be fixed in ethanol for genetic analysis in Seattle, others will be brought back to Seattle live for experimental work.

Pollock egg vertical distribution: A bongo survey of 24 stations will be conducted over the shelf of the southeastern Bering Sea to map pollock egg distribution and locate areas of high concentrations. Within the area of the survey, two locations will be selected for vertical distribution tows with a Tucker trawl. At each of these selected locations, first, live Tucker tows will be made near surface (0-20 m) and near bottom (ca. 80-100 m) to obtain live eggs to retunr to Seattle for specific gravity experiments. Then replicate series of Tucker trawls at 20 m depth intervals, from surface to bottom, will be performed and the samples preserved for analysis ashore.

Pollock egg incubations, genetic samples: The ship will locate aggregations of walleye pollock in both Shelikof Strait and over the shelf of the southeastern Bering Sea, using information obtained from the preceding RACE hydroacoustic cruise, and reports from the fishing fleet. Ship and scientific personnel will monitor the EQ-500 echosounder to identify these aggregations. When walleye pollock are located, a midwater trawl will be deployed. Ripe walleye pollock caught in the trawls will be stripped and the eggs will be incubated in four refrigerators located in the fish processing lab. Fin clip samples, and tissue samples for genetic analysis will also be obtained from trawled pollock (sample 100-120 fish from each haul). Live eggs (~16,000) will be brought back to Seattle for experimental work at AFSC. Once sufficient eggs are obtained for the experiments, the ship will break off these operations. AFSC scientific personnel will sample the eggs throughout the incubation period (~60 days), including on subsequent cruises, and perform daily maintenance on the incubators (i.e., change water, remove dead eggs).

Diel patten of pollock spawning:

Middle Shelf Domain monitoring observations: Biological oceanographic observations will be taken at 7 stations over the shelf in the southeast Bering Sea.

Pribilof Canyon pollock egg survey: A grid of 20 stations in the vicinity of Pribilof Canyon will be sampled using standard MARMAP bongo tows to a maximum depth of 400 m, as water depth permits. Samples will be preserved for analysis ashore.


The following are operations to be conducted on this cruise. The procedures for these operations are listed in the FOCI Standard Operating Instructions (SOI). Operations not addressed in the SOI and changes to standard procedures are addressed below.

CTD/Water samples (SOI 2.2.1)

MARMAP bongo tow (SOI 2.2.2): Both Line 8 and standard 60 cm bongo tows will be taken. 0.333 and 0.505 mm mesh nets will be used for the standard bongo tows.

Live Tucker trawl tows (SOI 2.2.3): Live tows will be taken for pollock eggs using 0.505 mm mesh nets, and taped codends. Depths of tows may vary from those in SOI. After gentle rinsing, both codends will be sorted for pollock eggs immediately following retrieval.

Midwater trawl (SOI 2.2.8): Trawling for spawning adult pollock will be conducted in both Shelikof Strait and the Bering Sea using whichever trawl is deemed most suitable. Midwater trawls will be deployed using standard procedures for the gear requested. The Chief Scientist or watch chief will decide trawl locations, times and depths. Midwater trawls will be conducted day or night and will depend on plankton catches or midwater sign seen on the EQ-50 echosounder. Once a trawl is called for, regardless of the time of day, the fishing crew will need to be activated quickly, with little time lost. Trawl time should be of short duration; only long enough to descend into the school, fish for 10-15 minutes, then be brought up. The trawl should be landed as quickly as possible and emptied into the sorting table on deck. Scientific personnel will quickly sort through the catch and put suitable fish into filled sinks in the wet and/or fish processing labs. Should it be necessary to obtain more ripe fish at the same location, the trawl should be readied and re-deployed as quickly as possible.

Tucker trawl (SOI 2.2.9): 0.505 mm mesh nets will be used. Sampling depth intervals will be 0 20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80, and 80-100 m, as water depth permits.

Chlorophyll samples (SOI 2.2.10)

EK500 monitoring (SOI 2.2.12)




The following systems and their associated support services are essential to the cruise. Sufficient consumables, back-up units, and on-site spares and technical support must be in place to assure that operational interruptions are minimal. All measurement instruments are expected to have current calibrations, and all pertinent calibration information shall be included in the data package.

3.1 Equipment and Capabilities to be Provided by the Ship

Simrad EQ-500 echo sounder,

Aleutian wing trawl for midwater trawls,

WesMar 3rd wire trawl sonar system,

Commercial refrigerator,

Laboratory space with exhaust hood, sink, lab tables and storage space,

Sea-water hose inside fish processing lab,

Uncontaminated seawater,

Oceanographic winch with slip rings and 3-conductor cable terminated for CTD,

Wire-angle indicator and readout for oceanographic winch,

Oceanographic winch for bongo net (and other nets when used) with slip rings and 3-conductor cable terminated for the SeaCat,

Sea-Bird 911 plus CTD system to be used with PMEL stand (primary system)
(The underwater CTD unit should have mounts compatible with the PMEL CTD stand),

Sea-Bird 911 plus CTD system with stand (back up system),

(Each CTD system should include underwater CTD, weights, and pinger and there should be one deck unit and tape recorder for the two systems),

10-liter sampling bottles for use with rosette (10 plus 4 spares),

For CTD field corrections: IAPSO water and AUTOSAL salinometer,

Sea-Bird SBE-19 Seacat system (backup system),

Meter block for plankton tows,

Wire speed indicators and readout for quarterdeck, Fowe and Marco winches,

For meteorological observations: 2 anemometers (one R. M. Young system interfaced to the SCS), calibrated air thermometer (wet-and dry-bulb) and a calibrated barometer and/or barograph,

Freezer space for storage of biological and chemical samples (blast and storage freezers),

Simrad EQ-50 echo sounder,

JRC JFV-200R color sounder recorder,

RDI ADCP with PC-compatible data acquisition computer and SyQuest drives,

Use of 386 (or better) PC in DataPlot for data analysis,

SCS (Shipboard Computer System),

Laboratory space with exhaust hood, sink, lab tables and storage space,

Sea-water hoses and nozzles to wash nets (quarterdeck and aft deck),

Adequate deck lighting for night-time operations,

Navigational equipment including GPS and radar,

Safety harnesses for working on quarter deck and fantail,

3.2 Equipment to be Provided by the Project

Rope trawl,

3 small refrigerators,

Dissecting microscope,

Miscellaneous supplies for collecting and maintaining live eggs,

Temperature recorder,

Sea-Bird SBE-19 Seacat system (primary system),

PMEL PC with SEASOFT software for CTD data collection and processing,

Fluorometer, light meter, and chlorophyll absorbance meter (ChlAM) to be mounted on CTD,

CTD stand modified for attachment of fluorometer,

Conductivity and temperature sensor package to provide dual sensors on the primary CTD,

CTD rosette sampler,

XBTs for project,

60-cm bongo sampling arrays,

20 cm bongo arrays,

Spare wire angle indicator,

Tucker trawl, complete 1 m sampling array,

Miscellaneous scientific sampling and processing equipment,

Sorting tables and baskets for processing trawl catches,

Scientific ultra-cold freezer.

Discrete Sample Data Base (DSDB) software and forms.

3.3. Ship's Computer System (SCS)

The ship's Scientific Computer System (SCS) shall operate throughout the cruise, acquiring and logging data from navigation, meteorological, oceanographic, and fisheries sensors. See FOCI Standard Operating Instructions for specific requirements.


Data disposition, responsibilities and data requirements are listed in the FOCI Standard Operating Instructions.


5.1. Piggyback projects:
None at this time.



6.1. Hazardous Materials:

The Chief Scientist shall be responsible for complying with NC Instruction 6280A, Hazardous Waste; policy, guidance, and training, dated February 4, 1991, paragraph 7.g and paragraph 9. By federal law, the ship may not sail without a complete inventory of MSDS, and appropriate neutralizing agents, buffers, and/or absorbents in amounts adequate to address spills of a size equal to the amount aboard.

The following hazardous materials will be provided and controlled by the scientists with the Chief Scientist assuming responsibility for the safe handling of such substances:
37 % Formaldehyde
95 % Ethanol


7.1 Important phone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses:

PMEL/CARD Fax: (206) 526-6485
PMEL/ADMIN Fax: (206) 526-6815
AFSC/RACE Fax: (206) 526-6723

MILLER FREEMAN COMSAT (government account numbers): These are much cheaper than Inmarsat direct numbers and should always be used first.

800-678-0872, after voice prompt dial 154-2712, after tone dial customer ID# (Voice)
800-678-0872, after voice prompt dial 154-2713, after tone dial customer ID# (Fax)

PI's should establish their ID#'s with their program.
Inmarsat (direct numbers)
011-872-154-2712 (voice)
011-872-154-2713 (fax)

CELLULAR: 206-660-7167
KODIAK ROAMER: 907-528-7626

(First dial the roamer, wait for the dial tone, then dial the cellular number)

AFSC person: APerson@afsc.noaa.gov
PMC radio room: RadioRoom@rdc.noaa.gov
Direct to ship: person@freeman.pmel.noaa.gov


8.1. List of Shelikof Strait Line 8 station positions and operations.
8.2. List of Shelikof Strait El Nino stations.
8.3. List of Bering Sea pollock egg vertical distribution stations.
8.4. List of Bering Sea Pribilof Canyon stations.
8.5. List of Bering Sea Shelf monitoring stations and operations.