Oregon State University - College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences

FILING DATE: April 1997


TITLE: Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigation


PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Carol DeWitt for James D. Schumacher and Phyllis J. Stabeno, NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Lab., (206) 526-6197, (206) 526-6453, Fax: (206) 526-6485; Ric Brodeur, NOAA/Alaska Fisheries Science Center, (206) 526-4318, Fax: (206) 526-6723,

CRUISE DATES: June 4 - 9, 1997

PURPOSE: One of the goals of our laboratory is to gain understanding of the mean state and variability of the northern Pacific Ocean, with an emphasis on aspects relevant to natural resources, especially fisheries. The primary objective of this cruise will be to deploy current meter moorings.

ITINERARY: The order of operations is subject to change.

The ship will depart Dutch Harbor and steam to the vicinity of St. George Island where we will deploy three moorings - one subsurface current meter mooring, one Acoustic Doppler Profiler (ADP) in a trawl-resistant platform, and one subsurface upward-looking Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) in syntactic foam flotation.

The ship will then proceed to the vicinity of Nunivak Island. Nine moorings will be deployed in this area - one surface mooring, two ADPs in trawl-resistant platforms, and six subsurface current meter moorings.

If time permits, and if the work has not been accomplished on a previous cruise, the ship will head towards Bristol Bay. At each of two sites, a mooring will be recovered and replaced.

As time permits, testing of the Multiple Plankton Sampler (MPS) will be performed. The primary objectives of the MPS testing are: to establish deployment/retrieval routines and to conduct diel studies. The MPS attaches to the aft end of an 8' Isaacs-Kidd Midwater Trawl (IKMT). The net will be deployed with the trawl winch through the stern A-frame using 10/32" (?) conducting cable. Either a real-time Sea-Bird or a ScanMar sensor will be attached to the net. The trawling operation may require two scientists, two deck crew, and one winch operator during deployment and retrieval. A deck hose will be required to rinse the nets.

RADIOACTIVE METHODS: None will be used.

HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: formalin, approximately 2.5 gal;ethanol, approximately 1 liter;
lithium batteries

SAMPLING PLAN: CTD information will be collected using the ship's CTD system. A CTD cast will be taken after each mooring is deployed and prior to any mooring recoveries. All casts will be made to near bottom. Lowering speeds will be about 30 m/min in the upper 300 m and about 45 m/min below that - except on the shelf where the lowering rate will be 10-15 m/min for the entire downcast. Retrieval will be at the fastest practical speed. A salinity sample will be collected on each cast.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Shipboard CTD system (with spare sensors); associated data display, logging, and output systems; shipboard ADCP profiler with display and logging system; GPS navigation system and INMARSAT phone/fax system for occasional scientific use. The Ashtech system must be functioning for use with GPS navigation.

Sea-Bird 911+ CTD with

16-18 5-liter Nisken bottles, mounting pins and spares
CTD PAR with cables and mount
CTD fluorometer with cables and mount
CTD transmissometer with cables and mount
CTD stand
CTD weights

Sea-Bird deck unit

tape recorder or VCR

CTD computer

150 KHz ADCP with Ashtech 3DF heading input


Ship speed, heading, high resolution position, wind speed, wind direction, TSG conductivity, and TSG temperature should be logged by computer every 60 seconds. This data should be backed up daily. Wet and dry bulbs, air temperature and relative humidity should be manually recorded by the bridge every four hours.

Scientist in charge: Carol DeWitt, NOAA/PMEL;
Other scientists: Dave Kachel (?), Bill Parker, TBA (1) (all PMEL),
Ric Brodeur, Jay Clark, Matt Wilson (all AFSC), and TBA (1?) (NMML).

OSU Marine Technicians: 1 requested

Vans/Containers: None
One - two computer terminals, software package/discs.

OTHER BULKY HEAVY ITEMS: All mooring equipment will be loaded in Seattle prior to departure for W9705B. The following items were listed in the cruise instructions for W9705B: concrete anchors, cable, subsurface floats, one 13-foot diameter surface buoy. The cruise instructions for W9705B stated that the preceding items were going to be transported for off loading to the R/V Alpha Helix in Dutch Harbor. This has changed - these items will not be deployed from the R/V Alpha Helix - they will be deployed from the WECOMA during W9706A.

In addition, the following items will be loaded in Seattle prior to departure for W9705B (weights are approximate): 12 railroad wheel anchors (12000 pounds total), two trawl resistant platforms (approx. 62" x 71" x16.5", 1000 pounds), one trawl resistant platform (13' diam, 2500 pounds), buoy tower (approx. 7' tall, 4.5' wide at the base, 200 pounds), buoy bridle (approx. 4 ' x 4.5' at the base, 300 pounds), and syntactic flotation (32" diam). Instruments include three Acoustic Doppler Profilers, fourteen releases, four Seacats, 17 Aanderaa current meters, and 40 Miniature Temperature Recorders.

Location: Open deck (for bulky heavy items only) includingIKMT net with 8'x3" diam spreader bar and 8' V-fin depressor (~200 pounds total for net, bar and depressor) andMPS in wooden box 3x6x6' (~400 pounds) (can be stowed on deck if it is in an area protected from spray and rain) Estimated Weight: approximately 25,000 pounds.

Name: Cindy Loitsch
Address: NOAA/PMEL, 7600 Sand Point Way N.E., Seattle, WA 98115
Account Number (or number to reference):


Station Map (not with this version)