21 April, 1997

NOAA Ship:





Depart Dutch Harbor, Alaska 5/14/97
Arrive Kodiak, AK 5/21/97

Participating Organizations:

NOAA, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL)
NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

Cruise Description and Objectives:

The objectives of this cruise are: 1) To recover four and deploy four Bottom Pressure Recorders (BPR's) in the North Pacific Ocean off the Alaskan Peninsula in support of the Pacific Tsunami Observational Program (PacTOP). PacTOP is a research program designed to obtain quality tsunami data in order to resolve theoretical and modeling tsunami issues. The goal of PacTOP is to acquire high quality tsunami measurements during the generation and deep ocean propagation of one or more tsunami events. 2) In support of the Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigation (FOCI) program, Four Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) transects will be conducted along with six additional CTD casts and Bongo tows time and weather permitting. See Attachment 1 for BPR ,ADCP, CTD and Bongo sites.

Scientific Measurements:

Recover four BPR moorings and deploy four BPR moorings.
One CTD/Rosette cast to 500 meters at each BPR site.
Four ADCP transects maintaining a speed of 10 knots.
Six FOCI CTD and Bongo Tows

Ship Operations Contact:

Larry Mordock (206)553-4764
1801 Fairview Ave E.
Seattle, WA 98102

Scientific Operations Contacts:

LT(JG) Jonathan Wendland/PMEL (206)526-6556
Dr. Frank Gonzalez/PMEL (206)526-6803
LCDR Michele Bullock (206)526-4485
7600 Sand Point Way N.E.
Seattle, WA 98115


1.1 Chief Scientist:

LT(JG) Jonathan G. Wendland NOAA Corps PMEL

The Chief Scientist has the authority to revise or alter the scientific portion of these instructions with the concurrence of the Commanding Officer, provided that the proposed changes will not: (1) jeopardize the safety of personnel or the ship, (2) exceed the overall time allotted for the project, (3) result in undue additional expenses, or (4) alter the general intent of the instructions.

1.2 Participating Scientists:

 Name  Sex  Nationality  Affiliation
 LT(JG) Jonathan G. Wendland  Male  USA  NOAA/PMEL
 Debbie Blood  Female  USA  NOAA/AFSC
 Elaina Jorgensen  Female  USA  UW (JISAO)

1.3 Medical History

Before sailing, all scientific personnel will complete a NOAA Health Services Questionnaire (NHSQ), which will be given to the Commanding Officer at the beginning of the cruise. Clearances are valid for 2 years for scientists under age 50 and 1 year for age 50 and over.


2.1 Loading

The following Mooring items will be loaded on the MILLER FREEMAN prior to departure from Dutch Harbor, AK on May 13, 1997.

 Item  Weight  Number  Total Weight
 BPR  110 lbs.  4  440 lbs.
 Stand, Anchor, Release  600 lbs.  4  2,400 lbs
 69X35" 7 pack flotation  330 lbs.  1  330 lbs.
 Hardware boxes  50 lbs.  2  100 lbs.
 Total      3,270 lbs.

2.2 Underway Operations

Upon completion of loading and preparations at Dutch Harbor the ship will proceed to BPR Station AK70/AK76 (Attachment 1) anticipating a morning arrival on the 15th of May (Attachment 2). At each BPR site, a 500-meter CTD cast will be taken if time and weather permits.
After BPR AK76 has been deployed, the ship will proceed to the first ADCP transect site (Attachment 1).
The coordinates and speed of the ADCP transect are as follows:

   Latitude  Longitude  Speed
 Start  54° 36.00'N  158° 40.02'W  10 kts
 End  53° 55.02'N  158° 00.00'W  10 kts

After completing the ADCP transect, the ship will proceed to BPR Station AK71, anticipating a early morning arrival on the 17th of May. AK71 will be recovered and AK77 will be deployed to occupy the same site. The work of recovering and deploying the remaining two BPR's will continue.

The coordinates of the four BPR Stations are as follows:

 BPR Station  Latitude (N)  Longitude (W)  Depth
 70  54° 17.41'  158° 32.82'  1677 m
 71  53° 25.40'  157° 16.66'  4656 m
 72  52° 02.35'  158° 45.00'  4755 m
 73  52° 01.09'  155° 43.41'  4688 m

Following BRP site 73, three additional ADCP transect lines will be run. The coordinates and speed are as follows:

 ADCP Line  Latitude (N)  Longitude (W)  Speed
 2 Start  54° 22.02'  156° 04.02'  10 kts
 2 End  55° 15.00'  156° 56.80'W  10 kts
 3 Start  55° 24.36'  155° 40.02'  10 kts
 3 End  54° 27.06'  154° 39.18'  10 kts
 4 Start  55° 57.00'  154° 58.02'  10 kts
 4 End  54° 36.00'  153° 21.00'  10 kts

Upon completion of the ADCP transects MILLER FREEMAN will proceed to the FOX sampling stations listed below:

 FOX Station  Latitude  Longitude  Depth
 56  57° 30.9'  154° 47.0'  201
 57  57° 33.1'  154° 52.5'  230
 58  57° 36.1'  155° 0.50'  229
 59  57° 38.5'  155° 4.20'  252
 60  57° 41.0'  155° 10.0'  283
 61  57° 43.2'  155° 15.6'  183

The table below is configured for the deepest sampling station.

 Niskin bottle Bottle depth (m)* Nutrients Chlorophyll Microzooplankton
 1 250 y - -
 2 200 y - -
 3 150 y - -
 4 100 y - -
 5 75 y - -
 6 50 y y y
 7 40 - y y
 8 30 y y y
 9 20 y y y
 10 10 y y y
 11 0 y y y
* If the bottom depth falls between bottle depths, then add a sample 10 m off bottom.

2.3 Equipment Loading

All mooring equipment and instrumentation will be shipped to Dutch Harbor prior to the beginning of the Tsunami cruise by Western Pioneer. The equipment is scheduled to be delivered to Jim Ackerlund (Dock Manager), by Wed, the 5th of May. Arrangements for storage of the equipment will be made in advance. The ship's force can load the equipment at their convenience.

All equipment and instrumentation will be off-loaded in Kodiak, AK at the end of the cruise, on or about 21 May 1997. The Equipment will then be barged from Kodiak, AK back to Seattle, WA.

2.4 BPR Mooring Descriptions

The Tsunami Bottom Pressure Recorder (BPR) mooring configuration, Model 635-7H (Attachments 3 and 4), consists of an expendable steel plate anchor attached to a combination aluminum tripod and platform. Mounted on the platform are one acoustic release and the BPR pressure case. Flotation is provided by seven Benthos glass spheres with yellow propylene hardhats fastened to a seven pack holder. A marker float with orange signal flag, transmitter, and strobe light are attached to aid in locating and recovering the units when they are at the surface.

2.5 BPR Recovery/Deployment Procedures

The EG&G Ocean Products Model 8011 deck unit will be used for both the recovery and deployment operations. During recovery operations the ship will heave to and attempt recovery by use of the transducer recently installed and located on the ceterboard. The acoustic release will then be interrogated and the anchor released, allowing the BPR to float to the surface. During the interrogation of the mooring and during the mooring's ascent, the ship should remain DIW with the screws secured while the transducer is over the side so that the unit can be tracked using ranging information. Once the unit is on the surface it can be recovered using a grappling hook or a small boat, if weather permits. The line and BPR are then recovered using the port side J-frame. The mooring recovery floats are equipped with a strobe and a transmitter to enable recoveries and deployments at night, if necessary. The ship's bridge will monitor Ch. 70, or 156.525 MHz to facilitate nighttime recoveries.

A similar method is used for monitoring the BPR's descent after being deployed. A transducer is lowered over the side as before and ranging information is used to track its descent. The ship should remain DIW with the screws secured until the unit's position on the bottom is verified. When the instrument is determined to be on the bottom, a code is sent to disable the release.


CTD/rosette and bongo samples are requested from six of the seven time series stations (Line 8 FOX 056 - FOX 061). At each station a CTD cast to within 10 m of the bottom will be done. On the upcast, water samples for nutrients, microzooplankton, and chlorophyll will be taken using 10 l Niskin bottles. Bongo operations (off the starboard quarterdeck) will simultaneously use the 20 and 60 cm diameter frames (150 and 333 mm mesh nets, respectively) and the SeaCat to determine maximum tow depth. Tows are to 10 m off bottom; only one side of each frame is to be preserved in formalin. The other side can be discarded.


The following FOCI operations are to be conducted on this cruise. The proceures are listed in the FOCI Standing Operating Instructions (SOI) for NOAA Ship Miller Freeman and reflect anticipated sampling plans as of this date.

CTD (SOI 2.2.1)
MARMAP bongo tows (SOI 2.2.2)
Bongo larval conditon twos (SOI 2.2.3)
Chlorophyll Samples (2.2.10)
Satellite-tracked drifter buoys (SOI 2.2.11)

2.8 MARMAP Bongo Tows

A 20 cm bongo with 0.150 mm nets and a 60-cm bongo net with 0.333 mm net, both with hard plastic codends and a 40 kg lead weight for a depressor will be used in standard MARMAP tows. The 20 cm frame is attached to the wire 1 m above the 60 cm frame. The nets will be deployed at a constant wire speed of 40 m/min to a maximum depth of 10 m off bottom. A CTD (Seacat) or electronic BKG will be attached to the wire to provide real-time tow data. The depth of the nets will be monitored from DataPlot and commands given to stop the winch. The winch will be stopped and the nets allowed to stabilize for up to 30 sec. The nets are then retrieved at a wire speed of 20 m/min. The ship speed is adjusted to maintain a wire angle of 45 degrees during the entire tow. When the nets reach the surface they are brought aboard and hosed to wash the sample into the codend. Only one side of each net frame will be preserved (5% formalin). Flow meters in the nets record the amount of water filtered and an electronic CTD or bathykymograph records the depth history of the tow. The Scientists on watch are responsible for recording times and maximum depth obtained in the Seacat logbook. Tows not meeting specifications may be repeated at the discretion of the scientific watch.

The PMEL SeaCat data will be acquired on a PMEL computer using SEASOFT software.

2.6.4 Station Plot

It is requested that the position of each operation and station will be maintained in a SeaPlot file. If possible a disketteof the file will be given to the chief scientist.


3.1 Equipment and Supplies Provided by the Ship

The following systems and their support services are essential to the project. Sufficient consumables, back-up units, and on-site spares and technical support must be in place to assure efficient operations. All instruments used for scientific measurements are expected to have current calibrations, and all pertinent calibration information shall be included in the data package.

(a) Standard seawater (two bottles)
(b) Small boat or grappling hook to recover BPR's
(c) Two 12 kHz Universal Graphics Recorder (UGR)
(d) Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler

3.2 Equipment and Supplies to be provided by the Scientific Party

(a) EG&G deck unit (Model 8011) and transducer (Model 8012)
(b) All mooring equipment as shown in Attachments 3 and 4.
(c) Radio receiver (VHF, ADF) for recovery operations
(d) CTD system: complete with CTD unit, rosette, and recording/processing equipment


4.1 Data Responsibilities

The Chief Scientist is responsible for the disposition, feedback on data quality, and archiving of data collected on board the ship for the primary project. As the representative of the program manager (the Director, PMEL), the Chief Scientist is also responsible for the dissemination of copies of these data to participants in the cruise, to any other requesters, and to NESDIS in accordance with NDM 16-11 (ROSCOP) within 3 months of cruise completion. The ship may assist in copying data and reports insofar as facilities allow.

The Chief Scientist will receive all original data gathered by the ship for the primary project, and this data transfer will be documented on NOAA Form 61-29 "Letter Transmitting Data". The Chief Scientist in turn will furnish the ship with a complete inventory listing all the data gathered by the scientific party, detailing types and quality of data. The Commanding Officer is responsible for all data collected for ancillary projects until those data have been transferred to the projects' principal investigators or their designees. Data transfers will be documented on NOAA Form 61-29. Copies of ancillary project data will be provided to the chief scientist when requested. Reporting and sending copies of ancillary project data to NESDIS (ROSCOP) is the responsibility of the program office sponsoring those projects.

4.2 Data Requirements

The following data products will be included in the cruise data package:

Marine Operations Abstracts,
Marine weather observation logs,
PMEL CTD weather observation logs,
CTD audio cassettes,
CTD Cast Information/Rosette Log,
Calibration sheets for all ship's instruments used,
Autosalinometer logs,
ADCP log sheets,
ADCP SyQuest 105 MB disks,
SCS 8 mm backup tapes,
SeaPlot Files, disk. NOS chart or overlay not required,
Ultra-cold freezer temperature daily log, (end of field season).

4.2.1. Marine Observation Log:

A Marine Operations Abstract (MOA) form will be maintained by the ship's officers during the cruise. The critical information to record at each station is:

GMT date,
GMT time,
station #,
haul #,
gear type
bottom depth.

At present, a paper form (hard copy) MOA is the most secure method for ensuring that these data are recorded and preserved. However, the Program is willing to work with PMC to develop an electronic version that is efficient, secure and could eventually replace the paper MOA.

4.3 Cruise Report

A Cruise report to the Pacific Marine Center is no longer required. The Chief Scientist will furnish a cruise a report the the tsunami program.


Any additional work will be subordinate to the main project and will be accomplished with concurrence of the Chief Scientist and on a not-to-interfere basis.

5.1 ADCP Piggyback Project

The Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigation (FOCI) will conduct one Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler transect as outlined in Section 2.2 Underway Operations. The transect will be conducted enroute to the recovery of BPR Station AK57. The FOCI operation's work will require the ship to maintain a speed of 10 knots (12 knots may be achieved weather permitting) during each transect. The ship is to maintain course; however, adjustments for set and drift may be necessary. The bottom track mode must be secured.

5.2 Ancillary Tasks

Will be accomplished in accordance with the NOAA Fleet Standing Ancillary Instructions.

5.3 Hazardous Material

Formalin 5%


6.1 Radio Interference

Some scientific equipment is sensitive to radio frequency interference. If interference occurs, it may be necessary to adjust operations and communications schedules if efforts to electronically isolate the equipment are unsuccessful.

6.2 Communications

INMARSAT will be available to the Chief Scientist for communication with the laboratory. Requests for the use of INMARSAT will be approved by the Commanding Officer. All communications costs ($6.02 per minute) will be charged to the laboratory.

The MILLER FREEMAN is also equipped with cellular capability. The chief scientist and staff are obligated to pay for incoming and outgoing calls to or from the party. Calls are estimated at $0.90 / minute plus any applicable long distance charges to the ships number.

6.3 Planning Meeting

A precruise meeting between the Commanding Officer and Chief Scientist will be held prior to the start of the cruise. Its purpose is to identify the day to day requirements of the project in order to best utilize shipboard personnel resources and to identify overtime requirements. A brief meeting of all scientific personnel, the Field Operations Officer, Chief Boatswain, survey department, and other relevant ship's personnel should be held before the vessel reaches the experiment area in order to: 1) introduce new scientific personnel to ship's procedures, proper channels, etc.; 2) discuss operating procedures for deploying various pieces of sampling equipment; and 3) coordinate scientific watch assignments.

Following the cruise a post cruise debriefing will be held between the Chief Scientist and the Commanding Officer. If serious problems are identified, the Commanding Officer shall notify the marine center by the most direct means available. The chief scientist shall document identified problems in the Ship Operations Evaluation Form which will be submitted to the dirictor of PMEL within 30 days.

6.4 Meals

Meals for scientific personnel will be charged at a rate of {$8.20} per day at sea or in port for two or less meals, {$4.10} per day for one meal. NOAA form 75-90 "Authorization of Mess Obligations" will be provided by the vessel to account for meals. The Chief Scientist will provide the appropriate codes for the scientific complement.

6.5 Navigational Control

Primary navigational control during the project will be GPS, visual, radar, etc.


Attachment 1. BPR , ADCP , CTD, Bongo transect sites
Attachment 2. Operations Spread Sheet
Attachment 3. BPR Configuration
Attachment 4. Flotation dimensions