Miller Freeman Cruise MF-97-05

Leg 1

April 15 - May 1, 1997

Jeff Napp, Chief Scientist
Alaska Fisheries Science Center
7600 Sand Point Way, NE
Seattle, Washington 98115



RADM John C. Albright, Director
Pacific Marine Center
Seattle, WA 98102


/S/ Eddie N. Bernard  
Dr. Eddie N. Bernard, Director
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Seattle, WA 98115
 /S/ James W. Balsiger
Dr. James W. Balsiger, Director
Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Seattle, WA 98115

13 March 1997


Cruise No: MF97-05, Leg I

Area: Southeast Bering Sea

Depart April 15 -- Dutch Harbor
Return May 1 -- Dutch Harbor

Participating organizations:
NOAA - Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC)
NOAA - Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL)
UAF - University of Alaska, Fairbanks


Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) is an effort by academic and federal scientists to understand ecosystems and biological and physical processes that cause recruitment variability of commercially valuable fish and shellfish stocks in Alaskan waters. FOCI comprises Shelikof Strait FOCI, Bering Sea FOCI, and Southeast Bering Sea Carrying Capacity (SEBSCC). Presently research is focused on the western Gulf of Alaska and the southeastern Bering Sea to examine the affects of the biotic and abiotic environment on the ecosystem and the early life stages of walleye pollock. FOCI uses four scientific approaches: environmental monitoring, process studies, retrospective analyses, and modeling. Research cruises address the first two approaches.

Recover and redeploy moorings (including sediment traps),
Recover lost instruments (TRAPS; Trawl Resistant ADCP PlatformS),
Occupy ecosystem monitoring stations,
Continue sampling shipboard time series of larval pollock development as a
function of temperature,
Obtain ADCP and ChlAM ground truth samples at moorings,
Determine if euphausiid net avoidance is affected by a lighted sampler,
Estimate copepod fecundity.


1.1. Chief Scientist:

Dr. Jeffrey M. Napp M/USA AFSC
(206) 526-4148 [voice]; (206) 526-6723 [FAX]

The Chief Scientist has the authority to revise or alter the technical portion of the instructions as work progresses provided that, after consultation with the Commanding Officer, it is ascertained that the proposed changes will not: (1) jeopardize the safety of personnel or the ship; (2) exceed the overall time allotted for the project; (3) result in undue additional expenses; (4) alter the general intent of these project instructions.

1.2 Participating Scientists:

William Rugen M/USA AFSC
Morgan Busby M/USA AFSC
William Parker M/USA PMEL
Carol DeWitt F/USA PMEL
TBN M/USA PMEL/Engineering
Elaina Jorgensen F/USA UW/JISAO
Stacey Smith F/USA UAF

1.3 Ship Operations Contact:
Larry Mordock
(206) 553 - 4764
1801 Fairview Ave. East
Seattle, WA 98102-3767

1.4 Program Contacts:

Dr. Phyllis Stabeno
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
(206) 526-6453
Dr. Arthur Kendall, Jr.
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
(206) 526-4108


Scheduling of individual activities will depend upon weather conditions and progress of scientific work, therefore, firm advance scheduling of events will not be possible, and a continual dialogue between scientific and ship's personnel will be especially important. A contract has been awarded by PMEL to commercial divers for recovery of two, lost TRAPS at Mooring 2. The order of cruise activities (below) will be dictated by weather and the ability of the commercial divers to rendezvous with the Freeman and perform the recovery. The Chief Scientist and PMEL Mooring Specialists will meet with the Commanding Officer and Field Operations Officer the day before departure to determine the initial activities. To insure fulfillment of all the scientific objectives, the ship is asked to steam at maximum cruising speed whenever time in transit and between stations is greater than one hour.

A standard oceanographic watch will be utilized which consists of a winch operator, a scientific staff of three and a Survey Tech on deck. Operations will be conducted 24 hours a day.


SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES (See Table 1 and Figure 1):

The summary below is the tentative order of execution. The order of activities will be determined by the Chief Scientist in consultation with ship's personnel after PMEL has determined when they want to rendezvous with their diving contractor.

1. North Aleutian Slope Flow Transect -- We intend to occupy 6 CTD stations along this transect and recover/redeploy Mooring 6 and recover Mooring 7. Nutrient and chlorophyll samples and (20/60 cm) bongo tows will be taken at selected stations. The depths of the CTD casts are likely to exceed the maximum depths of the fluorometer and chlorophyll absorbance meter (ChlAM).

2. Basin/Shelf Break Transect -- We intend to occupy 7 CTD stations along this transect. Nutrient and chlorophyll samples and (20/60 cm) bongo tows will be taken at selected stations at the shelf break. The depths of some of the CTD casts are likely to exceed the maximum depths of the fluorometer and chlorophyll absorbance meter.

3. Cross-Shelf Transect -- We intend to occupy 18 CTD stations along this transect. Nutrient and chlorophyll samples and (20/60 cm) bongo tows will be taken at selected stations. Multiple bongo tows and CTD casts will be necessary at Moorings 2 and 3. The transect will be interrupted to complete operations at Moorings 2 and 3.

4. Mooring 3. Mooring 3 will be recovered and redeployed with a surface toroid buoy and meteorological instrument tower. Sediment traps will be deployed on a separate mooring within 0.1 nm of the main mooring. Multiple CTD casts (for nutrients and chlorophyll) will be required before recovery and after deployment. Between recovery and redeployment MOCNESS, Tucker, Methot, and bongo tows will be done in the vicinity of the mooring. After operations are completed we will continue the cross-shelf transect until we arrive at Mooring 2

5. Mooring 2. As the Miller Freeman proceeds to mooring site, the weather forecast will be monitored to determine if conditions are favorable to perform diving operations. If so, then the S/V Redeemer will be contacted to rendezvous with the Miller Freeman the next day. In the interim, Mooring 2 will be recovered and redeployed with a surface toroid buoy and meteorological instrument tower. Sediment traps will be deployed on a separate mooring within 0.1 nm of the main mooring. Multiple CTD casts (for nutrients and chlorophyll) will be required before recovery and after deployment. Between recovery and redeployment MOCNESS, Tucker, Methot, and bongo tows will be done in the vicinity of the mooring.
In preparation for the arrival of the diving vessel the Freeman will deploy marker buoys (3 anchors, ca. 600 lb., each) as close as possible to the TRAP moorings F-96BST-2S and F-96BST-2F. We may also need to deploy anchor buoys (2 - 4 anchors, 5000 lb., each) for the S/V Redeemer to tie up to during the dive operations. Two members of the scientific party will need to be transferred to the S/V Redeemer via Munson or RHIB when it arrives at the dive site. It may be necessary for the Freeman to work in the vicinity of the contractor's vessel during TRAP recovery operations (approx. 2 days). After operations are completed we will finish the cross-shelf transect stations before beginning the next transect.

6. Seventy Meter Isobath Transect -- We intend to occupy 7 CTD stations along this transect. Multiple bongo tows and CTD casts (for nutrients and chlorophyll) will be necessary at Mooring 4.

7. Deadhead either to Mooring 2 to complete gear comparison tests or to Unimak Pass.

8. Unimak Pass Box. A "box" transect of 18 CTD stations will be accomplished. Nutrient and chlorophyll samples and (20/60 cm) bongo tows will be taken at selected stations.

Miscellaneous Operations -- A 0.8 m ring net tow for live plankton will be performed most mornings before sunrise, regardless of geographic position. We will try to schedule these to co-occur with other station work.


Please refer to FOCI Standard Operating Instructions for NOAA Ship Miller Freeman, 1997 (1/13/97).

Relevant Sections
2.2.1 CTD/Water Operations
2.2.2 MARMAP bongo tows
2.2.4 Live Zooplankton Ring Net Tows
2.2.5 MOCNESS tows
2.2.7 Methot trawl (Note: The Methot trawl will be deployed using the Marco winch
off the stern of the vessel with the stern platform in place.)
2.2.9 Tucker trawls
2.2.10 Chlorophyll Samples (Note: Chlorophyll samples may be processed onboard using a second fluorometer. Scientists will provide a makeshift hood to exhaust the acetone fumes.)
2.2.13 ADCP
2.2.14 Radiometer
3.4 Seachest and Uncontaminated Seawater


The following systems and their associated support services are essential to the cruise. Sufficient consumables, back-up units, and on-site spares and technical support must be in place to assure that operational interruptions are minimal. All measurement instruments are expected to have current calibrations, and all pertinent calibration information shall be included in the data package

3.1 Equipment and Capabilities to be Provided by the Ship

SEAS XBT launcher, recorder, and probes for synoptic weather report,

Oceanographic winch with slip rings and 3-conductor cable terminated for CTD,

Wire-angle indicator and readout for oceanographic winch to be used with bongo and tucker trawl,

Oceanographic winch for bongo net and Tucker trawl sampling with slip rings and 3-conductor cable terminated for electronic Time-Depth recorder. Wire should be capable of 1200 lb. loading,

Sea-Bird 911 plus CTD system to be used with PMEL stand (primary system)
(The underwater CTD unit should have mounts compatible with the PMEL CTD stand).

Sea-Bird 911 plus CTD system with stand (back up system)

(Each CTD system should include: underwater CTD, deck unit , tape recorder, weights, and pinger).

10-liter sampling bottles for use with rosette (10 plus 4 spares),

For CTD field corrections: IAPSO water and AUTOSAL salinometer,

Sea-Bird SBE-19 SeaCat (backup system),

Meter block for plankton tows,

Wire speed indicator and readout for port, starboard, and Rowe winches,

For meteorological observations: 2 anemometers (one the R. M. Young system interfaced to the SCS), calibrated air thermometer (wet-and dry-bulb) and a calibrated barometer and/or barograph,

Freezer space for storage of nutrient samples (blast and storage freezers),

Simrad EQ-50 echo sounder ,

JRC JFV-200R color sounder recorder,

RDI ADCP with PC-compatible data acquisition computer and SyQuest drives,

Radar-tracked drifter buoys,

Bench space in DataPlot for PCs, 17" monitor, printer and VCR to fly MOCNESS,

Use of 386 PC in DataPlot for data analysis,

SCS (Shipboard Computer System),

Aft Rowe winch with single conductor cable and sliprings for MOCNESS,

Electrical connection between Rowe winch and DataPlot,

Stern platform in place,

Laboratory space with exhaust hood, sink, lab tables and storage space,

Sea-water hoses and nozzles to wash down nets,

Adequate deck lighting for night-time operations,

Navigational equipment including GPS and radar ,

Safety harnesses for working on quarter deck and fantail,

3.2 Equipment to be Provided by the Project

Sea-Bird SBE-19 SeaCat, SBE 36 deck unit, SBE Power Data Interface Module (PDIM), and SBE 5T pump (primary system),

PMEL PC with SEASOFT software for CTD data collection and processing,

Fluorometer, light meter, and chlorophyll absorbance meter (ChlAM) to be mounted on CTD,

CTD stand modified for attachment of fluorometer,

Temperature thermistors for CTDs (one for primary system, one for back up system),

CTD rosette sampler

XBT's for project,

60-cm bongo sampling arrays,

20 cm bongo arrays,

Spare wire angle indicator,

Electronic BKG computer, printer and software,

Tucker trawl, complete 1 M2 sampling array,


Methot frame and trawl,

MOCNESS, primary and spare parts, and expendables,

Holy sock drogue for ship's drifting buoy,

Surface moorings (FOCI bio-physical platforms),

Subsurface moorings,

Miscellaneous scientific sampling and processing equipment ,

Scientific ultra-cold freezer.

All equipment necessary to prepare and deploy sediment trap moorings

Sediment traps and associated equipment

3.3. Scientific Computer System (SCS)

Please refer to FOCI Standard Operating Instructions for NOAA Ship Miller Freeman, 1997 (1/13/97).

3.4. Ultra-cold Freezer Requirements

Please refer to FOCI Standard Operating Instructions for NOAA Ship Miller Freeman, 1997 (1/13/97).


Please refer to FOCI Standard Operating Instructions for NOAA Ship Miller Freeman, 1997 (1/13/97).


5.1. Additional Investigations

None at this time.

5.2. Ancillary Projects:

Ancillary tasks will be accomplished in accordance with the NOAA Fleet Standing Ancillary Instructions.

5.3. Piggyback Projects:

None at this time.


Please refer to FOCI Standard Operating Instructions for NOAA Ship Miller Freeman, 1997 (1/13/97).

Hazardous Materials.
Additions to FOCI/AFSC chemical manifest -- none
Additions by Univ. Alaska, Fairbanks (S. Henrichs) -- Mercuric chloride
(20 glass vials with 0.5 mg solid each).
-- Formalin (8 liters)
Additions to FOCI/PMEL chemical manifest ­ lithium (lithium oxyhalide batteries)


Please refer to FOCI Standard Operating Instructions for NOAA Ship Miller Freeman, 1997 (1/13/97).


Table 1. Operations - CTD, Bongo, and Mooring Stations
Figure 1. CTD, Bongo, and Mooring Stations
Material Safety Data Sheets
Lithium Batteries (PMEL)
Mercuric chloride (UAF)

Table 1. Operations - CTD, Bongo, and Mooring Stations

LatDe g LatMi n LongDe g LongMin DecLat DecLon g
Dutch Harbor 53 55 -166 31 53.9167 166.5167
CTD to 500m + Bb 53 22 -168 44 53.3667 168.7333
F 96BS 6 Pull/Deploy CTD + Bb 53 26 -168 46 53.4333 168.7667
CTD to 1500 m + Bb 53 31 -169 1 53.5167 169.0167
F 96BS 7 Pull, CTD to 1500 m 53 36 -169 4 53.6000 169.0667
CTD to 1500 m (P2) 53 47 -169 16 53.7833 169.2667
CTD to 1500 m (opt.) 54 2 -169 34 54.0333 169.5667
CTD to 1500 m (opt.) 54 20 -169 50 54.3333 169.8333
CTD to 1500 m (opt.) 54 40 -169 12 54.6667 169.2000
CTD to 1500 m (P2) 54 58 -168 45 54.9667 168.7500
CTD to 1500 m (Shelf Break) 55 7 -168 29 55.1167 168.4833
CTD to 1000 m + Bb (Shelf Break) 55 20 -168 15 55.3333 168.2500
CTD 500 m + Bb (Shelf Break) 55 23 -168 10 55.3833 168.1667
CTD 200 m + Bb (Shelf Break) 55 26 -168 4 55.4333 168.0667
CTD (Outer Shelf) 55 33 -167 46 55.5500 167.7667
CTD (Outer Shelf) 55 39 -167 30 55.6500 167.5000
CTD (Outer Shelf) 55 46 -167 10 55.7667 167.1667
CTD (Outer Shelf) 55 54 -166 54 55.9000 166.9000
CTD (X at M3) + Bb 55 55 -166 10 55.9167 166.1667
CTD (X at M3) + Bb 55 59 -166 35 55.9833 166.5833
CTD (M3) + Bb 56 3.6 -166 20.1 56.0600 166.3350
CTD (X at M3) + Bb 56 10 -166 6 56.1667 166.1000
CTD (X at M3) + Bb 56 12.5 -166 30 56.2083 166.5000
Groundtruth CTD 56 3.6 -166 20.1 56.0600 166.3350
Recover/Deploy SS/BSM3 + SST 56 3.6 -166 20.1 56.0600 166.3350
Groundtruth CTD, Tucker, MOC 56 3.6 -166 20.1 56.0600 166.3350
CTD 56 16.3 -165 46.4 56.2717 165.7733
CTD 56 23.4 -165 23.5 56.3900 165.3917
CTD 56 30.5 164 59.9 56.5083 163.001 7
CTD 56 37.7 -164 36.3 56.6283 164.6050
CTD (X at M2) + Bb 56 43.9 -163 53 56.7317 163.8833
CTD (X at M2) + Bb 56 46 -164 20 56.7667 164.3333
CTD (M2) + Bb 56 52.4 -164 3.2 56.8733 164.0533
CTD (X at M2) + Bb 56 56.5 -163 50 56.9417 163.8333
CTD (X at M2) + Bb 57 1 -164 13 57.0167 164.2167
Groundtruth CTD 56 52.3 -164 3 56.8717 164.0500
Recover/Deploy SS/BSM2 + SST 56 52.3 -164 3 56.8717 164.0500
Transfer Personnel to Contract Vessel 56 52.3 -164 3 56.8717 164.0500
Groundtruth CTD, Tucker, MOC 56 52.3 -164 3 56.8717 164.0500
CTD 57 7 -165 18 57.1167 165.3000
CTD 57 25 -165 52 57.4167 165.8667
CTD 57 32 -166 44 57.5333 166.7333
CTD 57 38 -167 37 57.6333 167.6167
CTD 57 46 -168 28 57.7667 168.4667
CTD (M4) + 3 Bb 57 51.2 -168 52.1 57.8533 168.8683
CTD 57 52 -169 18 57.8667 169.3000
Deadhead to Unimak Pass 54 20.2 -165 25.4 54.3367 165.4233
CTD + Bb 54 20.2 -165 25.4 54.3367 165.4233
CTD + Bb 54 22.3 -165 16.7 54.3717 165.2783
CTD + Bb 54 24.8 -165 8.4 54.4133 165.1400
CTD + Bb 54 26.7 -164 59.7 54.4450 164.9950
CTD 54 43.0 -164 47.0 54.7167 164.7833
CTD 54 49.7 -164 53.5 54.8283 164.8917
CTD 54 56.2 -164 59.4 54.9367 164.9900
CTD 55 3.0 -165 5.9 55.0500 165.0983
CTD 54 59.2 -165 17.2 54.9867 165.2867
CTD 54 55.7 -165 28.6 54.9283 165.4767
CTD 54 52.0 -165 40.2 54.8667 165.6700
CTD 54 48.6 -165 51.3 54.8100 165.8550
CTD 54 45.0 -166 2.8 54.7500 166.0467
CTD + Bb 54 41.4 -166 14.2 54.6900 166.2367
CTD + Bb 54 34.8 -166 7.6 54.5800 166.1267
CTD + Bb 54 28.1 -166 2.0 54.4683 166.0333
CTD + Bb 54 21.6 -165 56.0 54.3600 165.9333
Dutch Harbor 53 55 -166 31 53.9167 166.5167

Key: Bb= 20/60 cm Bongo; F96BS6 & F96BS7=Moorings 6 & 7; SS/SST/BSM2=Subsurface, Subsurface ADCP Trap and Surface Mooring #2; M2, M3, M4=location of Moorings 2, 3, or 4